PHP is the most popular server-side language used to build dynamic websites, and it is a very extensive language. Learn PHP & MySQL web development from understanding PHP functions and create your very own applications & projects using PHP & MySQL. The stateless web (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) can only do so much without a dynamic language such as PHP to add the ability to interact with the web server. Students will learn how to make pages dynamic based upon user interaction, interact with HTML forms and store and retrieve information from local data sources which include a database. During the course, students will walk through the development of a complete content management system Web application. They will receive clear, step-by-step, instructions demonstrating how to create a complete Web site capable of dynamically displaying data from a MySQL
There is no previous knowledge required for this course.
Course Contents
1 | Introduction Introduction to Web, Web applications Introduction to Database and its types Introduction languages, scripting languages |
2 | Purpose of PHP MySQL Why use PHP and MySQL? The PHP programming environment Overview of SQL |
3 | Setting up the Environment Decisions about a testing environment WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP Installing Apache, PHP and MySQL on your computer Testing on a remote Server Deciding on Development tools Using PHP MyAdmin |
4 | Overview of PHP Setting up a PHP page The phpinfo() function Learning basic syntax Echoing HTML output to the browser The importance of comments Using single and double quotes/ Comments |
5 | Variables in PHP Using loose typed variables Assigning variables Overview of numeric, string and other types Assigning a variable to itself |
6 | Global Variables & Data Types Global Variables in PHP Data Types in PHP. Types casting |
7 | Super Global Variables in Php $GLOBLAS $SERVER $_POST $_GET $_POST |
8 | Php Operators Arithmetic operators Logical operators Comparisons Operator precedence |
9 | Numbers in PHP Making calculations Using built-in numeric functions Incrementing and decrementing |
10 | Introduction to Strings and its function Concatenating strings Trimming strings Removing slashes and other harmful characters String functions |
11 | Introduction to Arrays and multidimensional Arrays Numerically Indexed Array Associative Arrays Sorting Arrays Recording Arrays |
12 | Control structures in PHP The If statement FOR loops While loops The Switch |
13 | Transferring information between PHP pages GET and POST Different form field types Self-referencing forms Form handlers |
14 | Database fundamentals/Databases with Php Structuring a database Using tables Table relationships Common data types |
15 | Creating a database Using PHP my Admin Adding a table Populating a table with types and data Browsing a table |
16 | Getting PHP to connect to MySQL Using the MySQL connect () function Using the mysql select_db () function Testing a connection Writing a sample error trap |
17 | Querying MySQL using PHP/ Retrieving from database Writing SQL queries Using Select, Insert, Update and Delete Querying MySQL and returning results Interpreting the returned array |
18 | Introduction to Cookies & Sessions in PHP Differences How sessions are more secure than cookie Session needs extra spaces , unlike cookie Session start () Creating cookies |
19 | Project/ Building a Web Application Creating pages to: Add entries Modify entries List entries Filter entries |
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